Exotic cars

Sportcar Ferrari 430 Scuderia by Novitec Rosso

Ferrari Scuderia

Tuning studio Novitec Rosso, having found out about phase-out of Italian sportcar Ferrari 430 Scuderia, has decided to please at last the clients, having developed for "stallion" a package of completions.

Supercar Ferrari Novitec Rosso Edizione 747

The tuners specialising on operational development of lineup Ferrari throughout many years, have named next masterpiece Novitec Rosso Edizione 747. A body of Italian a sportcar have painted in yellow-grey colour and have blacked out back optics that the car was more brightly allocated against factory version Ferrari 430 Scuderia.
Have put model on 20-inch wheel disks of black colour ideally combined with colour of a body of the car.

But, of course, in studio are proud most of all not of perfection of an ex-terrier, and power-plant modernisation. Under the car name it is easy to guess, that number 747 means engine horsepowers. Having equipped standard 510-strong motor Ferrari 430 Scuderia two compressors, tuners managed to strengthen power of installation to 747HP, and twisting moment — to 738Nm.

Ferrari 430 Scuderia

Engine operational development should be reflected in dynamics of model. Italian of sportcar of all for 3,4 seconds is dispersed to 100 km/h, and 22,9 seconds are enough car to accelerate momentum 300 km/h.

The maximum speed Novitec Rosso Edizione 747 makes 351 km/h, is informed in the official press release. For daily driving on a city, sportcar besides have equipped with the special system capable of 40 mm to raise a forward axis for overcoming of such obstacles, as "lying policemen" or tram ways.

Record of speed from Ferrari F430 Scuderia

Ferrari Scuderia

Tuning studio Novitec Rosso, having found out about phase-out of Italian sportcar Ferrari 430 Scuderia, has decided to please at last the clients, having developed for "stallion" a package of completions.

Supercar Ferrari Novitec Rosso Edizione 747

The tuners specialising on operational development of lineup Ferrari throughout many years, have named next masterpiece Novitec Rosso Edizione 747. A body of Italian a sportcar have painted in yellow-grey colour and have blacked out back optics that the car was more brightly allocated against factory version Ferrari 430 Scuderia.
Have put model on 20-inch wheel disks of black colour ideally combined with colour of a body of the car.

But, of course, in studio are proud most of all not of perfection of an ex-terrier, and power-plant modernisation. Under the car name it is easy to guess, that number 747 means engine horsepowers. Having equipped standard 510-strong motor Ferrari 430 Scuderia two compressors, tuners managed to strengthen power of installation to 747HP, and twisting moment — to 738Nm.

Ferrari 430 Scuderia

Engine operational development should be reflected in dynamics of model. Italian of sportcar of all for 3,4 seconds is dispersed to 100 km/h, and 22,9 seconds are enough car to accelerate momentum 300 km/h.

The maximum speed Novitec Rosso Edizione 747 makes 351 km/h, is informed in the official press release. For daily driving on a city, sportcar besides have equipped with the special system capable of 40 mm to raise a forward axis for overcoming of such obstacles, as "lying policemen" or tram ways.

Record of speed from Ferrari F430 Scuderia