Exotic cars

Luxury of tower Ritz Carlton and hotel Marriot


The first skyscraper which will be constructed in Los Angeles, for almost last two decades — a 54-storeyed construction under the project of architect Genslera.

Hotel Marriot in LA

The project urged to fill emptiness in a city fabric of city centre. The skyscraper will settle down in southwest city centre.

The design decision quite satisfies to technical requirements to the project: interiors perfectly correspond to appointment of premises — inexpensive hotel, magnificent hotel, private apartments and the maximum height of building of 220 metres. This approach provides the big area for more expensive inhabited units in building top, placing more undemanding premises at the heart of a building.

First skyscraper

Ritz Carlton

Ritz Carlton in Los Angeles

Uniqueness of power supply consists that east and western facades of a building will represent similarity of irises of the eye of eyes, opening and being closed.


The first skyscraper which will be constructed in Los Angeles, for almost last two decades — a 54-storeyed construction under the project of architect Genslera.

Hotel Marriot in LA

The project urged to fill emptiness in a city fabric of city centre. The skyscraper will settle down in southwest city centre.

The design decision quite satisfies to technical requirements to the project: interiors perfectly correspond to appointment of premises — inexpensive hotel, magnificent hotel, private apartments and the maximum height of building of 220 metres. This approach provides the big area for more expensive inhabited units in building top, placing more undemanding premises at the heart of a building.

First skyscraper

Ritz Carlton

Ritz Carlton in Los Angeles

Uniqueness of power supply consists that east and western facades of a building will represent similarity of irises of the eye of eyes, opening and being closed.

Alexander's McQueen shop by William Russell

Alexander McQueen, shop

Architect William Russell from an architectural bureau "Pentagram" has finished new shop of well-known fashion designer Alexander McQueen. The new shop is located on Melrous Avenue in Los Angeles.

Fashion-room in Los Angeles

It already the fourth shop designed by the architect for label McQueen. The previous constructions are located in world capitals of a fashion — London, Milan and New York.

Luxury shop

Fashion room in Los Angeles

Fashion room

New fashion shop

Exclusive boutique Alexander McQueen

The most appreciable and, probably, most interesting element of design of an interior is the sculpture of the man located under the ceiling of shop. As well as in other boutiques, the emphasis is made on correctly picked up arrangement of subjects in space, pure forms and silhouettes which they create, co-operating with each other. Unique also that unlike other places, William Russell has united an interior and an ex-terrier in this case is, having used unique in the simplicity colour scale.

Alexander McQueen, shop

Architect William Russell from an architectural bureau "Pentagram" has finished new shop of well-known fashion designer Alexander McQueen. The new shop is located on Melrous Avenue in Los Angeles.

Fashion-room in Los Angeles

It already the fourth shop designed by the architect for label McQueen. The previous constructions are located in world capitals of a fashion — London, Milan and New York.

Luxury shop

Fashion room in Los Angeles

Fashion room

New fashion shop

Exclusive boutique Alexander McQueen

The most appreciable and, probably, most interesting element of design of an interior is the sculpture of the man located under the ceiling of shop. As well as in other boutiques, the emphasis is made on correctly picked up arrangement of subjects in space, pure forms and silhouettes which they create, co-operating with each other. Unique also that unlike other places, William Russell has united an interior and an ex-terrier in this case is, having used unique in the simplicity colour scale.

The house in a canyon from Kovac Architects

Three-storyed house

Project Kovac Architects located in Pacific harbour near to Los Angeles, has the structure rising uphill, and is called Hillclimber.

The modern three-storyed house in Los Angeles

This modern three-storyed house describes the lines a steep slope. Architects Kovac Architects so respond about the project: "the Simple hierarchy of a site is reflected in forms and used materials, namely, in angular ceilings, stone elements in an interior and the wood decorating both appearance and a house interior."

Magnificent pool

Modern interior

Kitchen room

Drawing room

Modern interior by Kovac Architects

Three-storyed house

Project Kovac Architects located in Pacific harbour near to Los Angeles, has the structure rising uphill, and is called Hillclimber.

The modern three-storyed house in Los Angeles

This modern three-storyed house describes the lines a steep slope. Architects Kovac Architects so respond about the project: "the Simple hierarchy of a site is reflected in forms and used materials, namely, in angular ceilings, stone elements in an interior and the wood decorating both appearance and a house interior."

Magnificent pool

Modern interior

Kitchen room

Drawing room

Modern interior by Kovac Architects

The house for the artist in Los Angeles

Art-studio in LA

Studio 0.10 Architects, the architectural bureau from Los Angeles, has finished building of the house for the artist in which the art studio, and also premises for a life and entertainments will take places.

Art-studio in Los Angeles

Actually, the house consists of two houses which are connected by an internal court yard. In a two-storeyed building the garage, apartment and art studio have taken places.

Under showrooms the second building, by height three floors is given. Facades of both buildings are covered by zinc panels, frames for windows are made from Ipê wood, differing high durability, stability to influence of an environment and durability.

Studio in Los Angeles

Private picture gallery in Los Angeles

In connection with restrictions of a place of construction, it has been decided to break demanded zones into separate parts thanks to what external territories were generated. A certain sandwich in which two houses move with a layer in the form of an internal court yard has turned out. Exhibition areas are wrapped up round a house facade, simultaneously carrying out a functional and aesthetic role, softening solidity of objects.

Art-studio in LA

Studio 0.10 Architects, the architectural bureau from Los Angeles, has finished building of the house for the artist in which the art studio, and also premises for a life and entertainments will take places.

Art-studio in Los Angeles

Actually, the house consists of two houses which are connected by an internal court yard. In a two-storeyed building the garage, apartment and art studio have taken places.

Under showrooms the second building, by height three floors is given. Facades of both buildings are covered by zinc panels, frames for windows are made from Ipê wood, differing high durability, stability to influence of an environment and durability.

Studio in Los Angeles

Private picture gallery in Los Angeles

In connection with restrictions of a place of construction, it has been decided to break demanded zones into separate parts thanks to what external territories were generated. A certain sandwich in which two houses move with a layer in the form of an internal court yard has turned out. Exhibition areas are wrapped up round a house facade, simultaneously carrying out a functional and aesthetic role, softening solidity of objects.

The actual version of the Ark

New Orlean, house

Morphosis, the American architectural bureau, has constructed the house for the well-known client; in New Orleans the fund “Make It Right Foundation” had a new house. The project has been carried out together with University of California in Los Angeles.

The steady house

House characteristics allow not to be afraid of natural cataclysms; in case of strong flooding the house will float on a water level).

The house is constructed on "air cushion" of the frame which have been filled in with special assembly foam, strengthened outside by concrete with fiber glass. "Air cushion" carries out a raft role, allowing the house to rise on height to 3,7 metres.

However, architects did not assume, that inhabitants of the house remain during flooding inside; but after disaster they can quickly restore access to the house.

House float

House in New Orlean

Interior New Orlean

Modern interpretation of the Ark

The fund problem — to construct 150 steady and accessible houses which can stand in the conditions of natural accidents. It is especially actual for some States of the USA, for the families, wasted the houses during the hurricane Katrina in 2005 year.

New Orlean, house

Morphosis, the American architectural bureau, has constructed the house for the well-known client; in New Orleans the fund “Make It Right Foundation” had a new house. The project has been carried out together with University of California in Los Angeles.

The steady house

House characteristics allow not to be afraid of natural cataclysms; in case of strong flooding the house will float on a water level).

The house is constructed on "air cushion" of the frame which have been filled in with special assembly foam, strengthened outside by concrete with fiber glass. "Air cushion" carries out a raft role, allowing the house to rise on height to 3,7 metres.

However, architects did not assume, that inhabitants of the house remain during flooding inside; but after disaster they can quickly restore access to the house.

House float

House in New Orlean

Interior New Orlean

Modern interpretation of the Ark

The fund problem — to construct 150 steady and accessible houses which can stand in the conditions of natural accidents. It is especially actual for some States of the USA, for the families, wasted the houses during the hurricane Katrina in 2005 year.