Exotic cars

Shotokan Legend

Master Hidetaka Nishiyama is one of the most senior Instructors ever to study and teach shotokan karate-do. As a student of Master Gichin Funakoshi at the Shotokan, and a founding member of the JKA, he's author of the world's biggest selling Martial Arts book "The Art Of Empty Hand Fighting", which is in its 70th re-printing according to reports.

Master Hidetaka Nishiyama is one of the most senior Instructors ever to study and teach shotokan karate-do. As a student of Master Gichin Funakoshi at the Shotokan, and a founding member of the JKA, he's author of the world's biggest selling Martial Arts book "The Art Of Empty Hand Fighting", which is in its 70th re-printing according to reports.

Spotting at Los Angeles International

Factory of Dreams

The basic celebrity of a city is the centre of the American cinematography, legendary "factory of dreams" — Hollywood. The centre is the Hollywood parkway.

Company Universal park in Hollywood offers attractions and round on pavilions and scenery of the studio in which course acquaint with process of creation of films.

Port Los-Anzhelesa located in gulf San Pedro Bay, serves a large quantity of the foreign and American ships — more than any other port of the Western coast of America and is one of the largest ports of the USA.

The basic celebrity of a city is the centre of the American cinematography, legendary "factory of dreams" — Hollywood. The centre is the Hollywood parkway.

Company Universal park in Hollywood offers attractions and round on pavilions and scenery of the studio in which course acquaint with process of creation of films.

Port Los-Anzhelesa located in gulf San Pedro Bay, serves a large quantity of the foreign and American ships — more than any other port of the Western coast of America and is one of the largest ports of the USA.

Charm of the big city


Los Angeles — the biggest city of California!

Some cities of the USA developed so promptly, as this, second-large city after New York.

Los Angeles — the largest centre on manufacture of that all over the world is called as the American Dream and if you are not ready to a meeting with this dream the City of Angels will seem to you a city boring, dirty, trite and empty. But think only that on these streets, in smart cars, the well-known Hollywood stars drive about and you will understand, that it — that is necessary to you.

Any of cities of America does not give so steadfast attention to the image at cinema, on TV, in numerous colourful magazines.

The children's park the Disneyland is for the whole world known. In park corners the nature, architecture of the different countries are reproduced in a miniature not only scenery to Walt Disney's well-known cartoon films, but also. So, on one of attractions it is possible to make 20 minute travel on an ancient steam locomotive through all natural zones of the USA as if to cross the country on the transcontinental railway from Atlantic to Pacific ocean.


Los Angeles — the biggest city of California!

Some cities of the USA developed so promptly, as this, second-large city after New York.

Los Angeles — the largest centre on manufacture of that all over the world is called as the American Dream and if you are not ready to a meeting with this dream the City of Angels will seem to you a city boring, dirty, trite and empty. But think only that on these streets, in smart cars, the well-known Hollywood stars drive about and you will understand, that it — that is necessary to you.

Any of cities of America does not give so steadfast attention to the image at cinema, on TV, in numerous colourful magazines.

The children's park the Disneyland is for the whole world known. In park corners the nature, architecture of the different countries are reproduced in a miniature not only scenery to Walt Disney's well-known cartoon films, but also. So, on one of attractions it is possible to make 20 minute travel on an ancient steam locomotive through all natural zones of the USA as if to cross the country on the transcontinental railway from Atlantic to Pacific ocean.

Legend of Angels

Many places are easier for understanding if to listen, that about them speak local and visitors. Here that, for example, often speak about Los Angeles...

Los Angeles is the big village occupied mainly by cars

CaliforniaCars in Los Angeles, really, an abyss. Big Los Angeles the beginnings seriously to be under construction only in the XX-th century when have appeared and two new branches — cinematography and aircraft construction began to grow quickly.

As a result all district has from the very beginning appeared planned counting on the car. Any time all was normal, but then the number of cars has grown to unforeseen heights, and stoppers on roads and problems with parking have begun.

Local authorities have begun was to develop public transport, but have faced a problem: at one-storeyed building it is necessary or to put bus stops under each bush, or the people should stamp to these stops on foot from apart. The Same problems at a local hybrid of underground with high-speed tram.

Though of the last recently at last have found application — began to use for a transfer of crowds of tourists between the basic tourist baits. And the local population in overwhelming majority simply ignores public transport.

Many places are easier for understanding if to listen, that about them speak local and visitors. Here that, for example, often speak about Los Angeles...

Los Angeles is the big village occupied mainly by cars

CaliforniaCars in Los Angeles, really, an abyss. Big Los Angeles the beginnings seriously to be under construction only in the XX-th century when have appeared and two new branches — cinematography and aircraft construction began to grow quickly.

As a result all district has from the very beginning appeared planned counting on the car. Any time all was normal, but then the number of cars has grown to unforeseen heights, and stoppers on roads and problems with parking have begun.

Local authorities have begun was to develop public transport, but have faced a problem: at one-storeyed building it is necessary or to put bus stops under each bush, or the people should stamp to these stops on foot from apart. The Same problems at a local hybrid of underground with high-speed tram.

Though of the last recently at last have found application — began to use for a transfer of crowds of tourists between the basic tourist baits. And the local population in overwhelming majority simply ignores public transport.

Educational paradise

UCLAStudy in Southern California — paradise for two categories of people: very rich and very capable.

Training in the majority of universities expensive enough even to the American measures, but, the more expensively (and, accordingly, more richly) university, the more strongly that goes all out, trying to involve the most capable students (in particular it concerns post-graduate students and doctors of sciences) even if for this purpose should give they discounts, instead of that and at all to pay extra.

UCLAStudy in Southern California — paradise for two categories of people: very rich and very capable.

Training in the majority of universities expensive enough even to the American measures, but, the more expensively (and, accordingly, more richly) university, the more strongly that goes all out, trying to involve the most capable students (in particular it concerns post-graduate students and doctors of sciences) even if for this purpose should give they discounts, instead of that and at all to pay extra.

The South Californian colour

City Los Angeles positively reminds me a huge traffic intersection in which here and there have thrust high-rise buildings. On rather small (150 км2) territories are weaved into intricate enough ball very thick six highways. Air gassed condition thus turns out be healthy. Over a city of a smog the haze also hangs...

Los AngelesThough, for the sake of justice it is necessary to notice, that this smog far not such poisonous, as twenty years ago — requirements to percentage of nitrogen and carbon in exhaust gases of cars in California the most rigid in the USA, if at all not in the world. The superiority palm tree on air gassed condition, decades undividedly belonging to the City of Angels Is considered, that in 1999, has definitively departed to Houston. Nevertheless, Los Angeles still on the second place...

By contrast, "big Los Angeles" is the huge city agglomeration, spread kilometres on hundred twenty from the West on the east and on eighty — from the north on the south.

City Los Angeles positively reminds me a huge traffic intersection in which here and there have thrust high-rise buildings. On rather small (150 км2) territories are weaved into intricate enough ball very thick six highways. Air gassed condition thus turns out be healthy. Over a city of a smog the haze also hangs...

Los AngelesThough, for the sake of justice it is necessary to notice, that this smog far not such poisonous, as twenty years ago — requirements to percentage of nitrogen and carbon in exhaust gases of cars in California the most rigid in the USA, if at all not in the world. The superiority palm tree on air gassed condition, decades undividedly belonging to the City of Angels Is considered, that in 1999, has definitively departed to Houston. Nevertheless, Los Angeles still on the second place...

By contrast, "big Los Angeles" is the huge city agglomeration, spread kilometres on hundred twenty from the West on the east and on eighty — from the north on the south.

As to the man to become the pornoactor

If at you the genital is less 17 sm and you are not ready to move on the PERMANENT RESIDENCE to the Pornovalley (Los Angeles) you do not have chances.

If at you the genital is less 17 sm and you are not ready to move on the PERMANENT RESIDENCE to the Pornovalley (Los Angeles) you do not have chances.


Magazine Wall Street Journal has published the colourful picture story about a life Californian-vagabonds Internet maniacs. For example, 37-year-old Charles Pitts (on a photo) from "residence" under the highway bridge in San Francisco conducts blogs in Facebook, MySpace and Twitter.
Magazine Wall Street Journal has published the colourful picture story about a life Californian-vagabonds Internet maniacs. For example, 37-year-old Charles Pitts (on a photo) from "residence" under the highway bridge in San Francisco conducts blogs in Facebook, MySpace and Twitter.